Chase Dreams Vol.1 - Infinite 2021
When opportunity comes knocking at your door, even if your in India,.. Answer it!
It was a crazy series of events let me tell you. I had just cycled 300 miles with my younger brother Cole from Basingstoke to lands end. The morning after arriving my phone rang and I received a job offer to go and shoot a commercial out in India. With no time to take in the epic ride I was on a train back home, to pack my bags and fly off to Mumbai that same day. The shoot was for Van Heusen, a repeat client I work with. We shot some great material together and just as we had finished the phone rang again! My good friend Adam was calling me asking when I could get back to the UK as my name had been put forward to stunt double for Mark Wahlburg! I booked a new return flight and jumped on a plane to London. Not even having time to go home and drop my things I went straight for a meeting at the studio and was given the job!
It was an awesome experience to meet Mark and his team and do stunts for him. The very first scene I did with him was a parkour escape with a samurai sword! Right up my ally. We did all kinds of crazy shit in that movie, falling from motorbikes, fighting with all kinds of weapons, wire work, water work and even some outdoor wind tunnel skydiving! It really was an intense period of my life as I had recently recovered from snapping my achilles tendon.
The scariest stunt had to be having a fight in a revolving plane! It was like being in a huge washing machine that could move on all axis! It was one of the only stunts I have done where I really did not know how the outcome would be. We did get a little battered and bruised but we both walked out of there in one piece which was a massive relief.
I would say I most enjoyed spending time using Tom Cruises outdoor wind tunnel and watching some of the worlds best do their thing on it. The water tank was epic too as I was able to use my freediving skills to make the stunts as safe as they could be. Not many people would feel comfortable with weights bring put in your pockets, round your ankles and wrists and dropped from a 5 meter platform pretending to die, sinking to the bottom with no ability to use your hands and equalise your ears.
Stunt doubling Mark was really inspiring as his training routine is no joke, I dont know anyone that trains as hard and regularly as he does. It did kick me up the arse to work hard and get in my best shape as there were a few topless shots. It was cool to do some upside down sit ups that made the edit!
The film is out now on Amazon Prime and I highly recommend watching it, super cool cast and great action sequences. Check out the trailer.